Românilor li s-a promis munca in Finlanda


In jur de zece romani, fara bani si fara a cunoaste limba aproape deloc, au sosit in Turku la inceputul saptamanii pentru a cauta de munca, reporteaza Turun Sanomat (Ziarul de Turku).

Conform ziarului promisiunile fara acoperire despre un loc sigur de munca ar putea atrage si mai multi vizitatori din Romania. Cei veniti sa caute un loc de munca au spus ca au primit informatii prin intermediul Ministerului Muncii si al Ambasadei ca in Finlanda se gaseste de lucru, chiar si fara cunostinte de limba.

De asemenea televiziunile din Romania au anuntat ca in Finlanda se ofera de lucru, spune Tomi Puranen, consultant EURES.. Conform informatiilor obtinute de Puranen, in Romania a fost anuntat ca in afara de Turku, o situatie buna a pietei muncii este si in Helsinki si Oulu. Romania si Bulgaria au devenit membri UE la inceputul anului. Din cele 25 de tari membre ale UE un grup de 12 tari au anuntat impunerea de restrictii pentru cei veniti la munca. Finlanda nu face parte din acest grup.

Articol original publicat in HS: 24.1.2007

sursa : Romanii in Finlanda


  1. Astazi articolul este si in versiunea in limba engleza:

    Ministry warns Romanians and Bulgarians of difficulties in finding work
    Thirteen penniless Romanian job-seekers arrive in Turku

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    Finland’s Ministry of Labour has issued a warning aimed at job-seekers from the new EU countries, Romania and Bulgaria, concerning the difficulties in finding work in Finland. The Ministry’s statement concerning the Finnish labour market situation was sent to the Bulgarian and Romanian media on Wednesday.
    The Ministry decided on the action after 13 nearly penniless Romanians without any knowledge of languages arrived in the southwestern city of Turku earlier this week, hoping to find work in Finland.
    The local daily Turun Sanomat reported on the Romanian arrivals in its Wednesday issue.
    According to the EURES advisor Tomi Puranen from the Turku Labour Exchange Office, the Romanians had been wrongly briefed in their home country.

    „Apparently there has been an extensive campaign in the Romanian media and on the Internet pages of the Romanian Ministry of Labour advertising the abundance of open jobs in Finland, with good levels of pay. According to the applicants, however, none of the preconditions for finding employment in Finland, such as language skills, were mentioned”, Puranen complains.
    Employment officials in Helsinki have encountered similar problems with Romanian and Bulgarian job-seekers.
    Senior officer Olli Sorainen from the Ministry of Labour is of the opinion that the Romanian or the Bulgarian job-seekers are not the problem.
    „The problem is simply that they have been misinformed.”
    The Ministry of Labour’s bulletin aims to rectify the situation. It notes, among other things, that even though Finland has not set limits to the free movement of labour, it may still be difficult to find employment here. Apart from the applicants for top specialist tasks, job-seekers must be able to speak either Finnish or Swedish.
    The bulletin also reveals that there is no work for unskilled labour: both training and previous work experience are absolute prerequisites.

    The job-seekers are also warned that finding work in Finland may take time. „The recruitment process includes interviews and aptitude tests, and the applicant’s references are looked into carefully”, Sorainen explains.
    „All this is time-consuming, and Finland is a very expensive country in which to sit around and wait.”
    „We strongly recommend that people organise their jobs from their home countries prior to arriving in Finland.”

  2. Dragi romani

    Am sa incep prin a va sune k prin acest mesaj vreau sa va ajut si nu sa va fac viata mai grea sau chiar sa ruinez visurile in ceea ce priveste strainatatea in acest caz Finlanda.
    Sa ajungi sa muncesti in Finalnda nu este floare la ureche ci din potriva iti trebuie nervi de otel pt k toate joburile chiar si „de spalat pe jos” trebuie sa stii cel putin engleza k sa nu mai vb de finlandeza.
    Imi pare nespus de rau sa aud despre cei 13 romani care si-au incerkat norocul aici si nu au reusit deaorece presa romana nu da destule detalii depre aceasta tara, chiar mai rau anunta k vai Finlanda este tara care moare k nu are muncitori si ar angaja pe prima persoana care aterizeaza pe aeroport in Helsinki…… stop cadru….. NU din portiva in aceasta tara totul se face pe baza de acte k sa nu mai vb de munca la negru care nu exista. Ce vreau sa spun k Finlanda nu e ITALIA sau Spania sau Anglia. Limba la prima vedere e foarte grea dar nu impsobil de invatat cu ceva eforturi dar dureaza ceva timp.
    In fine treaba e k sugerez la toti romanii care vor sa se urce in avion si sa vina aici sa nu incerce sa vina fara contract de munca sau fara sa cunosaca pe cineva de aici si pe bune daka tot se incearka sa se ajunga aici , un simplu sfat : Vara e mai usor de supravetuit aici daka aveti resurse putine.

  3. Domnu Sandu eu sunt deja de 1 luna in Finlanda in orasul Lohja si nu am gasit ceva de lucru aici in oras,in schimb am reusit prin cineva sa gasesc dar era la 300klm si nu pot pleca de aici ca sunt cu familia.Am vazut ca erati sigur pe ce ziceati in comentariul de mai sus si ma intrebam daca mi-ati putea sugera ceva sau daca m-ati putea ajuta cumva.Va


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