Finlanda vrea sa iasa din zona euro


Guvernantii Finlandei, tara care nu pare a fi atinsa deloc de criza, ameninta cu abandonarea euro, din cauza statelor falimentare.

Ministrul finlandez de finante Jutta Urpilainen, a declarat recent ca tara sa ar prefera iesirea din zona euro, deoarece nu este normal sa plateasca datoriile statelor falimentare.

„Euro este benefic pentru Finlanda, insa nu ne cramponam de aceasta moneda cu orice pret”, a spus oficialul finlandez, precizand ca tara sa are un scenariu pentru un eventual abandon al monedei unice. Ea a argumentat aceasta varianta prin faptul ca tara sa nu este obligata sa raspunda nici pentru datoriile altor state, nici pentru riscul pe care il reprezinta acestea pentru zona euro.

Finlanda vrea sa iasa din zona euro

FINLAND WOULD CONSIDER leaving the Euro rather than paying the debts of another country, the country”s finance minister has said.

In an interview published in the Finnish financial daily Kauppalehti this morning, Jutta Urpilainen said „Finland „will not hang itself to the euro at any cost and we are prepared for all scenarios”.

While broadly supportive of Finland”s membership of the currency union, she said she could not endorse a mutualisation of debts, which Germany has agreed to once certain conditions are met.

„Collective responsibility for other countries” debt, economics and risks; this is not what we should be prepared for.”

Her announcement came as the cost of borrowing in Spain and Italy rose and the IMF warned that the global economy is set to slow further. Italy”s 10 year bond yield was over 6 per cent, with Spain having to pay just over 7 per cent.


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