Ziarul britanic „Independent”, precum și, de asemenea, Royal Tv au raportat despre omul de știință nord-coreean care a fugit în Finlanda, împreună cu nenumărate date secrete dintr-un laborator nord-coreean, privind dezvoltarea armelor bilogice. Șeful comisiei Statelor Unite pentru drepturile omului din Coreea de Nord, Scarlatoiu, a confirmat în ziarul finlandez ,Helsingin Sanomat’ că totul este adevărat.
The British newspaper ,Independent’ as well as also Royal TV have reported about the North Korean scientist who had fled to Finland together with countless secret data from laboratory about the North
Korean development of biologic arms upon human tests. The chief of the US committee for human rights in North Korea, Scarlatoiun, confirmed now in the Finish newspaper ,Helsingin Sanomat’ the the facts are credible.
The British newspaper ,Independent’ as well as also Royal TV have reported about the North Korean scientist who had fled to Finland together with countless secret data from laboratory about the North
Korean development of biologic arms upon human tests. The chief of the US committee for human rights in North Korea, Scarlatoiun, confirmed now in the Finish newspaper ,Helsingin Sanomat’ the the facts are credible.