Yulia Zdanovskaya, 21 de ani, Olimpică la matematică. Ucisă mișelește de armata dementului criminal de război Putin


Astfel de tragedii mă termină sufletește. Copila aceasta de 21 de ani a câștigat în liceu medalia de argint la Olimpiada europeana de matematica.

Putea sa fie pur și simplu o fată care nimerit intr-o istorie sinistră. Pe 8 martie a fost ucisa inr-un razboi lipsit de orice logica, de orice sens, în afara de demența setei nemasurate de putere. Iar ea a ales sa rămână în țara ei.

Mihaela Miroiu

Canadian Mathematical Society :

In Memoriam: Yulia Zdanovskaya, a 21-year old mathematician, was killed on March 8th, 2022 during a Russian forces attack on Kharkiv, Ukraine. In 2017, Yulia represented Ukraine at the European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad and won a silver medal at the competition. Currently, Yulia was a student in computer mathematics program at the Kiev National University. Passionate about math, computer science and teaching, she recently joined Teach for Ukraine to become a mentor and a role model for new generations of young people. Yulia was from Kharkiv and refused to leave her hometown; the last message she sent was, „Thanks, but I will stay in Kharkiv until our victory”.

(Crux Mathematicorum, 2022, p.6.)


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